Carry On Humping!

We are updating our general fetish site/store KITCHENSINKSPANKING.COM again, on a limited basis, focusing on the genre that has proven to be wildly popular… humping! I’ll do another feature soon on the extensive Kitchen Sink archive, humping and otherwise(!), but now…

This is the new film, out today. And yes, that is Casey Calvert being humped by Alex Reynolds, likely not a situation you’ve seen Casey in before! The story is that the girls are housemates and Alex takes a fancy for Casey’s bottom in her tight yoga pants.

Alex proceeds to grind on Casey’s ass, not caring how embarrassing and humiliating this might be for Casey, until eventually giving herself an orgasm rubbing her pussy against Casey’s naked bottom, having humped in, and then removed, both their panties.

Here’s a few more photos of Alex and Casey to finish off, the film is available, with a preview, HERE

More humping to follow!