Spanking In Hotels

I’ll return to this topic in more detail when I have time but, briefly, because of the national party schedule and the way the parties work, there is a concentration of spanking models in one single place, providing us producers with an opportunity to film more diverse content without spending heavily on travel expenses. THAT’S why so many spanking films take place in hotel rooms.

A pet peeve of mine is the pretense that the hotel bedroom is a Headmaster’s study, a classroom and (I kid you not) a women’s prison! Its a hotel room; storylines that take place in hotels are hardly difficult to write! Here’s a couple of examples, on the theme of the consequences of disappointing authority figures!


IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR – Alex has taken time out to show her sister, Ava, and her friend Nuna around her college, which the girls will be attending next semester. With a busy schedule of accommodation-finding and tutor-meeting ahead of them, Alex is horrified to discover that the girls spent the previous evening touring the local bars and clubs! Hangovers notwithstanding, Alex decides that her little sister, and her friend, need a good spanking to teach them about responsibility.

IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR has just been added to our Spanking Library store, check out the preview HERE


THE FAMILY STRAP – Stephen is livid at having to leave a business meeting to fetch MacKenzie home from her school trip. The cause? Having been bullied incessantly for some time, MacKenzie finally snapped and pushed one of the bullies. Unfortunately down some stairs and all the way to hospital! Learning the details, Stephens anger cools somewhat but nevertheless, is never the answer and to reinforce the point, MacKenzie will get a spanking and a rare visit to her bottom by the family strap before they depart on the long journey home. MacKenzie will not be sitting comfortably in the car… for four hours!

(I LOVE navy blue PE Knickers!)

THE FAMILY STRAP is also a recent addition to our Spanking Library store, go check it out HERE

Discipline – Four

Northern Spanking only made two film serials; the “Borstal” series (which remains incomplete) and the subject of this feature, the “Discipline” series.

Discipline 4

Five films, all featuring Harley Havik as a college girl and Apricot Pitts as her young tutor. Apricot quickly senses Harley’s need for discipline and satisfies it by spanking Harley, strapping her and even caning her bare bottom. The punishments have a startlingly arousing effect on Harley, also anticipated by Apricot, and satisfied at length in Apricot’s bedroom.

The “Discipline” series is now available all together in one compilation for the first time, in our Clips4Sale store HERE. Very keenly priced compared to separate purchase, the compilation runs 134 minutes with five films. Over a few posts, I’m going to give a preview of each of these wonderful films. The fourth film in the series is…

Discipline In The Workplace


Another in our Discipline series focusing on young tutor Apricot Pitts preparing her college students for their studies and life after college.

Harley Havik, having gained a first class honors degree with the aid of her diligent tutor, is now installed in a law firm as a successful young lawyer. When a new hire is appointed as her part time paralegal, Harley is astonished to discover its Apricot! Their reconciliation after so long parted is both painful and tender, with Harley coming to acknowledge and accept her need and desire for discipline and punishment.

But not before Apricot receives a very surprising OTK spanking from her former student!

Discipline – Five coming soon… featuring the final film in the series, “Discipline Still Required

Theme Night

New in our Clips4Sale store, “Theme Night” featuring Alex Reynolds and April May. Two boarding school girls arrive back at school with the dawn to find a very angry Headmaster waiting for them, strap in hand. Winning the Theme Night prize at the local karaoke bar by wearing their actual school uniforms, is sure to earn the girls a spanking.