Spanking In Hotels

I’ll return to this topic in more detail when I have time but, briefly, because of the national party schedule and the way the parties work, there is a concentration of spanking models in one single place, providing us producers with an opportunity to film more diverse content without spending heavily on travel expenses. THAT’S why so many spanking films take place in hotel rooms.

A pet peeve of mine is the pretense that the hotel bedroom is a Headmaster’s study, a classroom and (I kid you not) a women’s prison! Its a hotel room; storylines that take place in hotels are hardly difficult to write! Here’s a couple of examples, on the theme of the consequences of disappointing authority figures!


IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR – Alex has taken time out to show her sister, Ava, and her friend Nuna around her college, which the girls will be attending next semester. With a busy schedule of accommodation-finding and tutor-meeting ahead of them, Alex is horrified to discover that the girls spent the previous evening touring the local bars and clubs! Hangovers notwithstanding, Alex decides that her little sister, and her friend, need a good spanking to teach them about responsibility.

IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR has just been added to our Spanking Library store, check out the preview HERE


THE FAMILY STRAP – Stephen is livid at having to leave a business meeting to fetch MacKenzie home from her school trip. The cause? Having been bullied incessantly for some time, MacKenzie finally snapped and pushed one of the bullies. Unfortunately down some stairs and all the way to hospital! Learning the details, Stephens anger cools somewhat but nevertheless, is never the answer and to reinforce the point, MacKenzie will get a spanking and a rare visit to her bottom by the family strap before they depart on the long journey home. MacKenzie will not be sitting comfortably in the car… for four hours!

(I LOVE navy blue PE Knickers!)

THE FAMILY STRAP is also a recent addition to our Spanking Library store, go check it out HERE

Model Feature: Cleo Divine 1/2

The first of a two-part feature showcasing our films with the gorgeous Cleo Divine. Cleo is the star of the current new film available to members of Northern Spanking, entitled “Disruptive Cleo“. Cleo is one of the very few models to have appeared on all our sites!

Disruptive Cleo

Cleo’s latest film, out today at Northern Spanking!

DISRUPTIVE CLEO – Schoolgirl Cleo has tried Miss Reynolds’ patience one time too many. As an old school PE Mistress Miss Reynolds has always been rumored to retain a leather paddle for unofficial application to the bottoms of naughty girls who disrupt her lessons. Cleo soon finds out that the rumors are real when Miss Reynolds drags her out of her class and into the hallway for a rather public punishment, consisting of a smacked bottom followed by the lowering of Cleo’s PE knickers and cotton panties, for Miss Reynold’s strap to do its work.

Easy Option

EASY OPTION – Cleo returns from her high school costume party to find herself in a heap of trouble. Short of a costume, Cleo borrowed her sister’s cheerleading outfit…on the day she had cheerleading practice! Paul determines that Cleo will not again borrow other’s property without asking, AND she will apologize to her sister, with a very sore spanked bottom!

Cheerleader’s get the paddle don’t they? Well this fake cheerleader is certainly going to!

Big Sister Takes Charge

BIG SISTER TAKES CHARGE – Bri Crawford is supposed to be watching her little sister, Cleo Devine. Cleo went behind Bri’s back and asked one of her friends to buy alcohol for her and her friends. The friend told Bri, and she was NOT happy to hear this. How is she supposed to be keeping her little sister, the precious angel of the family, out of trouble if she’s hitting up her friends for alcohol?!

Cleo is in big trouble this time. She is going to learn a lesson: her tight leggings are going to be pulled down, and she’s going over big sister’s lap for a hard hairbrush spanking on her bare bottom.

Helping Her Career

HELPING HER CAREER – Nurse Cleo has failed to gain the promotion she wanted at work. She’s good at what she does but seems to lack focus. Paul believes he can help her with that, by restoring some domestic discipline to their routine, starting with a good spanking for Cleo and a thrashing with his belt.

Not How A Big Girl Acts

Cleo has appeared in a number of Spanked & Diapered films

NOT HOW A BIG GIRL ACTS – Mommy Alex Reynolds comes in to check on Cleo, who was supposed to be packing up after their vacation. Cleo is instead lounging on the bed playing games. Alex is disappointed in this behavior but is especially upset when Cleo tells her that she likes it better when Alex does jobs like this for her, then throws a small tantrum when her step-mommy insists that she is big enough to do it herself.

Throwing fits and complaining about chores are not how a big girl acts in this household, so Alex has just the way to teach her naughty little one a lesson. First, Cleo goes over her lap for a hard spanking on her cute panties, and then on her bare bottom. Then, Mommy orders Cleo to lay down on the bed. It’s time for diaper discipline. Act like a baby, lose your big girl privileges!

Alex powders Cleo and then tapes her into a My Diaper diaper. She makes sure all the edges are tucked in: Cleo is going to wear her diaper on the airplane home as a reminder of what it’s like to be a little girl, since she wasn’t interested in behaving like a big girl!

Cleo gets little immediately when she’s diapered, playing with the hem of her dress in a way that’s adorable and authentic. When she’s all padded up, Mommy snuggles up with her to help calm her down and take care of her.

Summer Camp

What to do with the kids in the long summer holidays? Its a particularly American idea to pack off the little darlings to summer camp and make them someone else’s problem for a few weeks! There arises, of course, the question of discipline and how, and how severely, to punish these young girls when they are inevitably naughty and break the rules? We made two films based on this theme, the latest only recently released at Northern Spanking, is custom with a very specific request!


The camp in “Camp Rules” seems much more laid back, initially at least, compared to the rigid uniform requirements and threatened beatings at the earlier establishment in “Summer Camp Caning“. Curious that they have the same Director(!), who turns out not to be so very different in the latest than in the first!

Camp Rules

Starring: Alex Reynolds, Maddy Marks and Cherry Blossom.

At Summer Camp, Alex, Cherry and Maddy have made a huge mistake. Leaving the campus without telling anybody where they were going (not allowed), then bringing back alcohol (VERY not allowed!). They are of course swiftly detected by the deceptively kindly Camp Director.

Pleading with Director Kennedy not to be sent home, he suggests a shocking alternative… corporal punishment! The girls discuss this option in the restroom. Maddy has never been spanked and doesn’t want to be. Punishment in this way is not new to Alex and is a regular consequence of Cherry’s misbehavior at home. The consensus is that they will a) accept Director Kennedy’s offer, b) enjoy the remainder of the summer at the camp, (observing the rules closely!) and c) not have to be sent home with painful consequences for Cherry and Alex.

All three girls have their bottoms smacked. Maddie, never having been spanked, is the last to receive her punishment, watching how Cherry and Alex react to being smacked surprisingly hard by the Camp Director. Kennedy is seemingly full of surprises and proceeds to produce a wooden paddle to complete to miscreant trio’s punishment.

Of course the girls reconvene in the restroom to compare experiences and red, sore bottoms.

This was a custom film, hence the restroom sequences in which you can hear the girls peeing – yes, for real! There’s also some very particular dialogue that our (delighted!) customer requested. Its a long film so I’ve not re-edited it to make it more “normal”, so I hope you enjoy something a little different!

Summer Camp Caning

Starring: Alex Reynolds, Maddy Marks, Harley Havik and Linny Lace

Alex, Maddy, Harley & Linny find themselves abandoned by their parents to a Summer camp, (a feature of growing up in America so I’m told!) and one with a very strict disciplinary policy. Having skipped off for the afternoon and gotten lost in the woods, the girls must now face an angry Camp Director…. and his cane!

One by one the girls are lectured, bent over and smacked hard across their white cotton panties, followed by a 12 stroke caning that leaves their bottoms striped and very, very sore.

Camp Rules” is available of course to members of Northern Spanking. For those preferring individual download, please visit our Spanking Library Store.

Summer Camp Caning” is available to Northern Spanking members of course, and also as an individual download in our Clips4Sale Store. There are two versions; the ORIGINAL VERSION as originally released and a DIRECTOR’S CUT, which I heavily re-edited to use much more of the wonderful close-up footage we managed to film!