NORTHERNSPANKINGFILMS.COM is the name of our Clips4Sale store, in which you can find a huge portion of our archive as well as more contemporary films. For two days only, Thursday Nov 21st to Friday November 22nd, a 10% DISCOUNT is available on all purchases.

Here is a selection of recent additions to our store, all featuring Alex Reynolds in the dominant role:


Schoolgirl Cleo has tried Miss Reynolds’ patience one time too many. As an old school PE Mistress Miss Reynolds has always been rumored to retain a leather paddle for unofficial application to the bottoms of naughty girls who disrupt her lessons. Cleo soon finds out that the rumors are real when Miss Reynolds drags her out of her class and into the hallway for a rather public punishment, consisting of a smacked bottom followed by the lowering of Cleo’s PE knickers and cotton panties, for Miss Reynold’s strap to do its work.


Alex is on a long road trip with Amy, her college age daughter. At the start of the journey they agreed to switch places driving every couple of hours. When its Amy’s turn to drive, she sees that Alex is resting peacefully and decides not to disturb her. 5 hours later, having arrived safely at their overnight hotel, a very tired Amy is having a pre-bedtime discussion with her mother, about the soundness of her decision making. A discussion that results in the not-so-grown up, with her days-of-the-week panties, Amy, wriggling and crying across Alex’s lap, her bottom being thoroughly warmed by her the back of her mother’s wooden hairbrush


Baton twirler Bambi is practicing in the yard before school when her baton accidentally lands on the neighbor’s roof! Alex is not impressed when Bambi knock on her door and sheepishly asks for her assistance in retrieving it. Before she helps Bambi recover her baton, Bambi’s bottom is going to suffer the consequences of her carelessness.

The gorgeous dress Bambi is wearing is an original from the 1960’s!


Schoolgirl Alex is tired of getting spanked, seemingly all the time by her horrible teacher, Miss Morgan. Some things are about to change, however… Internet research has yielded some very naughty photos of the sexy Miss Morgan, which Alex will use to blackmail the teacher. Having asked Miss Morgan to call on her at home, Alex shows her the photos and threatens to show them to the School Board. Her price for not doing so is:

1) no more spankings for Alex,
2) top marks in all tests, and
3) Alex is going to give Miss Morgan a taste of her own medicine!

In no situation to disagree, Whitney accepts Alex’s terms and swiftly finds herself over the schoolgirl’s lap, receiving the kind of painful and humiliating spanking she delights in giving to others. Revenge is sweet and, in this case, served hot upon Miss Morgan’s bottom!

As well as our main Store, we also have FOUR OTHERS! So, to take maximum advantage of your 10% saving, why not visit…






Until November 3rd, when you spend $30 or more on clips you will get a 13% discount! This offer only lasts until November 3rd so be quick to make the most of it! Here’s a preview of one clip from each of our stores to get you started…


BURN BOOK – Starring sisters Stevie and Skylar Rose

When schoolgirl sisters Stevie and Skylar’s dad discovers their “Burn Book”, there are heated consequences for their bottoms!



Starring Maddy Marks and Alex Reynolds

Highschooler Maddy Marks is all dressed up to go out with her friends, but her mom, Alex Reynolds, isn’t having it: Maddy has an exam coming up and needs to stay home to study and she did not get permission to go out. When Alex tells her that school is more important than hanging out with her friends, Maddy starts getting fussy and throwing a tantrum. Alex is not going to have her daughter presenting that kind of attitude, and pulls her over her lap for a spanking, first on her little cotton panties and then on her bare bottom.

But a red bottom is not enough to change Maddy’s attitude, so Alex decides to show her daughter just how childish she’s been acting…



On her way to becoming the gorgeous adult glamour superstar she is today, Ella Hughes made a small number of spanking films, including three for us. For the first time, all three films are presented here in one package. The price represents a significant saving on buying the three films individually. This combo is a MUST-HAVE, both for Ella Hughes fans to complete their collection of her excellent work and for us spankos, as they are three truly great films with a gorgeous retro 1970’s/80’s vibe to them. Go on, treat yourself!


CHEERLEADER HUMPING – Starring Del Hunter and Alex Reynolds

Alex and Del are friends who cheer for different squads. Their teams played each other today, so Del came over to Alex’s house after. The girls get to talking about exploring more physical sides of their friendships with other girls, but Del doesn’t understand what Alex is talking about.

Alex decides to show her pretty, blonde friend, so she tells her to bend over and stick her firm little butt out. Alex then lifts Del’s cheerleading skirt and begins to grind against her, rubbing her white cotton panties on Del’s. She then begins to hump her vigorously, moaning with pleasure and enjoying the sound of her skin slapping on her friend’s.

After a little while, they decide to switch positions, so that Del can hump Alex’s big, round bottom. She does this with pleasure, still not sure about what she’s doing, but definitely liking it.

Alex then asks Del to lie down and lift her legs, but Del is flexible and athletic, and she puts her legs all the way behind her head. Alex then humps and grinds on Del in this position, changing her angle so they are almost scissoring.

When Alex is close to climax, though, she tells Del to get back in their original position. She then humps her hard and fast, pulling on Del’s long, blonde hair, until she has a loud, full-body orgasm.

These two friends are definitely going to be spending more time together in the future.


BULLY CLEO’S WEDGIE COMEUPPANCE – Starring Cleo Divine and Alex Reynolds

Alex Reynolds’ younger step-sister, Julia, has been being bullied at school by a cool, popular girl: Cleo Devine. Cleo is claiming to be her friend but using it as an excuse to be mean to her. Cleo has come by to see Julia, where she was intercepted by Alex. Alex inquires about what’s been going on with Julia and Cleo insists that she is making Julia cooler by picking on her, telling her what she can and can’t wear, and more. One incident, in particular, stands out: Cleo was making fun of Julia for wearing “granny panties” and pulled them out of her jeans in a tight wedgie at school. Today, Cleo is going to learn that this behavior is not nice. Alex pulls her across her lap and lifts her skirt to expose bright pink lace panties. Alec quickly grabs them and pulls them up into a wedgie, going far up between her cheeks and even between her pussy lips, in a clearly visible pussy wedgie that is seen throughout the film.

While yanking and pulling on Cleo’s panties, Alex takes the time to also give the bratty girl a hard spanking on her exposed cheeks. Cleo is soon promising to be nicer, but Alex is not done. She makes Cleo kneel up on the sofa so she can get the wedgie higher and tighter, including the fabric that has gone between her lips, and she continues the spanking in this position. Finally, she lets Cleo extract the panties from her intimate areas where they’ve been nestled and sends her to go apologize to Julia, which Cleo goes off to do pitifully.

Carry On Humping!

We are updating our general fetish site/store KITCHENSINKSPANKING.COM again, on a limited basis, focusing on the genre that has proven to be wildly popular… humping! I’ll do another feature soon on the extensive Kitchen Sink archive, humping and otherwise(!), but now…

This is the new film, out today. And yes, that is Casey Calvert being humped by Alex Reynolds, likely not a situation you’ve seen Casey in before! The story is that the girls are housemates and Alex takes a fancy for Casey’s bottom in her tight yoga pants.

Alex proceeds to grind on Casey’s ass, not caring how embarrassing and humiliating this might be for Casey, until eventually giving herself an orgasm rubbing her pussy against Casey’s naked bottom, having humped in, and then removed, both their panties.

Here’s a few more photos of Alex and Casey to finish off, the film is available, with a preview, HERE

More humping to follow!

Model Spotlight: Luci Lovett

Luci made her spanking movie debut with us and we were lucky enough to shoot with this lovely girl on several occasions, for Northern Spanking, Spanked & Wedgied and the ridiculously popular humping films on Kitchen Sink. Here’s a sample of Luci’s wonderful work, including the latest film to be made available in our Spanking Library store. Please enjoy the lovely Luci!

PERFORMANCE REVIEW at Northern Spanking or Clips4Sale

LUCY’S HUGE PROBLEM at Northern Spanking or Spanking Library (NEW!)

INTERNAL SUSPENSION at Northern Spanking or Clips4Sale