NORTHERNSPANKINGFILMS.COM is the name of our Clips4Sale store, in which you can find a huge portion of our archive as well as more contemporary films. For two days only, Thursday Nov 21st to Friday November 22nd, a 10% DISCOUNT is available on all purchases.
Here is a selection of recent additions to our store, all featuring Alex Reynolds in the dominant role:

Schoolgirl Cleo has tried Miss Reynolds’ patience one time too many. As an old school PE Mistress Miss Reynolds has always been rumored to retain a leather paddle for unofficial application to the bottoms of naughty girls who disrupt her lessons. Cleo soon finds out that the rumors are real when Miss Reynolds drags her out of her class and into the hallway for a rather public punishment, consisting of a smacked bottom followed by the lowering of Cleo’s PE knickers and cotton panties, for Miss Reynold’s strap to do its work.
Alex is on a long road trip with Amy, her college age daughter. At the start of the journey they agreed to switch places driving every couple of hours. When its Amy’s turn to drive, she sees that Alex is resting peacefully and decides not to disturb her. 5 hours later, having arrived safely at their overnight hotel, a very tired Amy is having a pre-bedtime discussion with her mother, about the soundness of her decision making. A discussion that results in the not-so-grown up, with her days-of-the-week panties, Amy, wriggling and crying across Alex’s lap, her bottom being thoroughly warmed by her the back of her mother’s wooden hairbrush
Baton twirler Bambi is practicing in the yard before school when her baton accidentally lands on the neighbor’s roof! Alex is not impressed when Bambi knock on her door and sheepishly asks for her assistance in retrieving it. Before she helps Bambi recover her baton, Bambi’s bottom is going to suffer the consequences of her carelessness.
The gorgeous dress Bambi is wearing is an original from the 1960’s!

Schoolgirl Alex is tired of getting spanked, seemingly all the time by her horrible teacher, Miss Morgan. Some things are about to change, however… Internet research has yielded some very naughty photos of the sexy Miss Morgan, which Alex will use to blackmail the teacher. Having asked Miss Morgan to call on her at home, Alex shows her the photos and threatens to show them to the School Board. Her price for not doing so is:
1) no more spankings for Alex,
2) top marks in all tests, and
3) Alex is going to give Miss Morgan a taste of her own medicine!
In no situation to disagree, Whitney accepts Alex’s terms and swiftly finds herself over the schoolgirl’s lap, receiving the kind of painful and humiliating spanking she delights in giving to others. Revenge is sweet and, in this case, served hot upon Miss Morgan’s bottom!
As well as our main Store, we also have FOUR OTHERS! So, to take maximum advantage of your 10% saving, why not visit…